


Welcome To Peretur, Dedicated To Quality And Service

Welcome to Peretur, the worlds leading experts, putting materials science to work protecting people from extreme environments. Peretur pushes the boundaries to create modern, lightweight, agile protection systems for our teams when they need it most, in the danger zone. Wether its in a firestorm, bulletstorm or the depths of the vacuum of space, trust in Peretur to protect you. Our life support systems protect

operators from extreme environments without compromising their agility and mobility. Our homogenous system protects our operators whilst providing them with a thermally comfortable intimate environment with maximum operational efficiency. Our lightweight systems allow Operators maximum dexterity and mobility to work on the most intricate systems in the most challenging environments.

Quick Contact Form

At Peretur, we always look forward to engaging with our clients, whether existing or new. If you have any query related to our services and would like a call back, fill in this quick contact form and we will get back in touch with you as soon as possible. Thank you.

If you have a more detailed request or would like to ask us a specific question via email, please visit our contact page where you can send us a message and one of our team will respond with an answer.

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